Full Range Speaker $15-$20000 Range?

My system consists of Thor Audio tubed 150 watt monoblocks,
Thor linestage, Thor phono stage & a Thor Dac(ALL Tubes)
with a Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport, Scoutmaster
by VPI table and a Clearaudio Discovery cartridge, and finally a pair of Quad 988;s, loudspeaker with a Audio Physics Minos Subwoofer. My room is 20 X 20 with 12 foot ceilings. The room has been completely completely treated by Mike Kochman of Echo Busters who has done a
wonderful job and I can give my highest recommendation.
The problem is that the sppeaker lacks in dynamics and soundstage. The sound is great with small scale chamber music, solo voices, and solo piano, but it cannot reproduce
an illusion of an entire orchestra and it softens dynamic contrasts, for example the tambourines in Capricio Italien
by Tchaikovsky's are softened. In a non elecrtostatic
speaker the tambourines snap like they do in real life.
I would also like a speaker that does not require a sub. Without the sub on my system the lows are very disappointing. I also need a fairly efficient speaker, because 150 watt a side won't drive a Magnepan and many others. I listen exclusively to 2 channel music, mostly classical, jazz, and classic rock. Does anybody have any personal experience with any speakers that I can audition?
Well, my advise is to sell both the speakers AND the amps, and change out to what my friend has, who also has the exact same room size (but with a lower ceiling) and the exact same taste in music. (I.e. primarily classical, secondarily jazz, and a bit of classic rock.)

His system uses the Avalon Eidolon speakers, with the VTL MB 450 monoblocks. The soundstaging and dynamics are nothing short of amazing. The only minor drawback to this system is that the bass is slightly, (and I stress SLIGHTLY) rolled off in the lowest bass response. Other than that, it is perfect. It is the best stereo I have heard. The Eidolons do want LOTS of power though, in order to really open up. (My friend went through half a dozen lower powered tube amps before finally settling on the MB 450s.)

If you insist on keeping the amps, you might want to try the Wilson Sophia or Watt Puppy 7's. A fair number of people like these, and they are fairly efficient. (I prefer the Revel Ulitma Series myself, as I have the Revel Studios, but they need more power.) The sound is similar between the lines, in as that as they are both very detailed, and soundstage and image very well. (Not Eidolon great, but pretty dang close!)

My two cents worth anyway. Good Luck in your search!
You should give the EgglestonWorks Andra IIs a listen.

Soundstage is awesome, and they completely disappear. They are extremely dynamic and natural sounding. Supposedly a good match with Thor gear, but I haven't personally heard them with Thor.

No sub required, and they are rated at 89db/SPL. Highly under rated, IMO.
Have you tried Wisdoms M75 Monopoles. The Line source will work well with your Thors and the bottom would have to be driven by a separate amp. I would reccomend a Good solid state amp with plenty of horsepower. I listen to a pair at the long Island, NY rep Steve Rabitz's house. At the time he had a pair of Airtight Monos which were EL 34 Based and he had an inexpensive ATI amp on the bottom and it sure sounded great. Based on that audition I finally purcased a pair however it just about resulted in a divorce when I should up with them a month and a half ago. In any event I do think they are worth a listen. These could be had at $13.5k. A better choice for the bottom would be a Crouwn studio reference amp which I am currently using on a Wilson Whow III sub.
I'll say right off that I don't listen to Classical at all ,but think there has to be a "Kharma" to fit those Thor electronics.I am drooling at the thoughtr of having your problem.I am using the Kharma 1.0 speakers with Thor T1000 and TPA30 monos and can only dream of you 150 amps. I would guess that somnewhere in the middle of the Kharma range would be a good starting point.. Good Luck ! Boy do I wish I had your problem,,,,
You can have your cake and eat it too. Go to www.innersound.net and find your local Innersound dealer. For $20k you can get the Kaya Reference which comes with the best eletrostat panel that I have ever heard, and an incredibly well intergrated powered subwoofer/crossover. Pretty sure they will drop a pair off for you to audition.

Good luck.

PS - additional recommendations would include the above mentioned Wilson's and Revel's, and I would add the sublime, and much less expensive Paradigm Signature S8's. Great full range speaker.