2nd the Denon/NHT oppinion. Great combo that performs exceptionaly well at the price point (overused but appropriate word- Synergy). Surround processors (in receiver or seprate form) get outdated quickly if not in processing modes (virtually useless)then in processing POWER. I recomend to anyone to buy good speakers and good amplifiers because they do not become worthless 5 years after purchase. Using a good receiver as a pre-pro will limit you a little for music and surround tweeking but it should be no great loss.
In short your speaker choices look fine. Demo them at home with your equipment. If your dealer will not let you then don't buy from him. If you are going to buy without demo (A'gon)good luck. Not that buying from A'gon is bad in any way but without listening to a speaker in your system in your room you will not be making an informed purchase. Von Schweikert VR-1 is a huge bang for the buck, sounds good with modest equipment, and will not break the bank. Iwould still go with the NHT for HT and wait a while for a good 2 channel system that will make you reach true stereo nirvana (yea... that is not a slippery slope of expensive gear).
Good luck!