Apogee Duetta Signature or Mini Grand?

It seems that both of these speakers can be had for around the same price (around $2,000). Any one have experience with both of these models? Which one did you prefer and why? Thanks for your time and assistance.


I would definitely appreciate speaking with your contacts. I will e-mail you directly to get your contact information. Thanks again.


I see that you are driving your Duetta Sigs with the KSA250 - have you heard the S550e with the Duettas?
I have been considering a short list to audition:
KSA250, S550e and ML 23.5. Any thoughts?

No I have not Richard. As I mentioned to Mike above, I do know someone that does own that amp along with Duetta Signatures. I should mention that he is in the process of trying some other amps at this time...I do not know if it is because he is unhappy with the Threshold or just wants to try something a little different.

I have owned the Ksa-250 well before I moved from Apogee Centaur Minors to Duetta Signatures. I used it to drive my VMPS Supertowers at first.

The only amps I've tried with my speakers were Bat-500 and Pass-150...the Krell was better than both of those.

Thinking about giving a few of the digital amps a listen...change does not come easy for me though so I'm still in my research stage and slow to pull the trigger.

While I think both would be excellent choices, I would go with the Duetta Sigs. The bass from the subwoofers for the MiniGrands leave a little to be desired.
Sogood, any thoughts on how the VMPS sound compares to the Apogee's? Does it have the magic natural vocals
(& midrange in general)? I had the Stages but never heard VMPS. Thanks in advance.