For all practical setup choices in that small room, you'll be stuck with boom in the 60,50,40 hz and bellow range mostly. You will otherwise have the speakers way out towards the middle of the room and in unreasonable spots to get flatter sound with a full range speaker. Also, that room won't support much lower than high 30hz anyway, from first glance. I think you'd better off with maybe a sealed speaker or more bass limited choice.
Basically, your only hope is to "EQ" the bass woofer on larger speakers, This becomes much more involved.
I'd go larger Book shelves and be done with it. The room/setup is going to limit the qualility of bass you get otherwise, not so much the speakers themselves.
Basically, you got trade-offs, or you gotta "tweak".
How much you willing to spend?
Basically, your only hope is to "EQ" the bass woofer on larger speakers, This becomes much more involved.
I'd go larger Book shelves and be done with it. The room/setup is going to limit the qualility of bass you get otherwise, not so much the speakers themselves.
Basically, you got trade-offs, or you gotta "tweak".
How much you willing to spend?