Looking for non-boomy full range speakers

I welcome suggestion for the following: I have a small room (11*13) and want a full range yet "light sounding" speaker, floorstanding if possible. What I mean is I want frequency as low as sub-30 (27Hz would be nice) but bass and lower mids not too heavy, just there. Any ideas?
Currently running AP Yara and I need same "idea", just lower freq extension. BTW, I am trying to avoid the "speaker + sub" way......
For all practical setup choices in that small room, you'll be stuck with boom in the 60,50,40 hz and bellow range mostly. You will otherwise have the speakers way out towards the middle of the room and in unreasonable spots to get flatter sound with a full range speaker. Also, that room won't support much lower than high 30hz anyway, from first glance. I think you'd better off with maybe a sealed speaker or more bass limited choice.
Basically, your only hope is to "EQ" the bass woofer on larger speakers, This becomes much more involved.
I'd go larger Book shelves and be done with it. The room/setup is going to limit the qualility of bass you get otherwise, not so much the speakers themselves.
Basically, you got trade-offs, or you gotta "tweak".
How much you willing to spend?
I think Flrnlamb hits it on the head. The room has everything to do with the sound you receive and a lot of people never hear the true capabilities of a lot of good speakers.
Room correction is complex, timely and sometimes expensive.
You might try a speaker that is lean in the bottom to start with but those room nodes are going to show their ugly head no matter what. EQ degrades the sound in my opinion but sometimes compromises must be made.
Something like the Role Audio Windjammer maight be a good choice for your smallish room. It's spec'd down to 35hz, but has a small 4.5" woofer that supposedly helps it "not overload" a small room.

I've never heard this speaker, but it has peaked my curiosity on a couple of occassions.....


I agree with Velo62, I'm using Apogee Slant 6s in a small room with excellent results. Should you want bigger bass the Slant 8 or the Centaur Major as mentioned would also be great choices.