Looking for non-boomy full range speakers

I welcome suggestion for the following: I have a small room (11*13) and want a full range yet "light sounding" speaker, floorstanding if possible. What I mean is I want frequency as low as sub-30 (27Hz would be nice) but bass and lower mids not too heavy, just there. Any ideas?
Currently running AP Yara and I need same "idea", just lower freq extension. BTW, I am trying to avoid the "speaker + sub" way......
Cinematic_systems..I get your point. Just the same, there are some small Maggies...even wall mounts. Also, I have messed around with near-field listening to Maggies. Try it sometime and you might be interested, even if not delighted. One thing I remember is sitting directly in between two Maggies, listening to them EDGE-ON. Sounds exaxtly like headphones...I don't know why. One would think they would have to be facing the ears.
you room is 15*14...mine is 11*13...don't you think that this could negatively affect the result? I know we ar only talking a few feet less but I had in mind the 926 was fairly generous in lower mids?
Maybe you are right. But it seems to me that you would be best off with European speakers like JM Lab, Cabasse, Sonus Faber, etc. since they are designed with smaller rooms in mind.

I wouldn't say the 926 is generous in the lower mids. It is pretty much as flat tonally as I have ever experienced. All you will hear are your electronics which makes tailoring the sound a lot of fun. But I can say that their bass is never boomy in my room. Good luck! Arthur