Need help with rel or velodyne subwoofer for ster

I am considering a single velodyne or rel to augment base response in two channel. Both can be connected with RCA from the preamp or from the speaker binder post at the amp.

When using the speaker binding post, there would only be input from one channel? Does this constitute problems if base rich material is recorded in the contralateral channel?

Thank you.
Hi there,
do not know about the Velodyne but if you use a REL at high level it should be connected to both positives at the amp terminals and the single negative connected to either channel. This will give you a signal from both channels.
In my experience, connecting to low level pre-outs ruins the sound. This might work with a re with a dedicated buffered output but otherwise just show the pre-amp aload which ? screws it up.Sorry for the lack of technicality but's REL website explains better than I can that their subs are designed to be driven high level.
I sold mine but only because it was questionable whether it was compatible with my poweramp. In my experience they can make a very valuable contribution to the mids & highs on a stereo only system

Rgds Si
To me, most subs sound better using the high level inputs. And like Si said, that is what REL recommends.
The hi-level connections utilize both channels, and having owned REL for 4 years I have the opposite view on the hi vs low debate. In my system and room, the pre-out connection provides a tighter, more tuneful and integrated sound. Don't rely on REL's ads or literature to determine what your ears tell you sounds best!