Fake plants behind speakers a good idea?

I have 2.5 feet from the back of my floorstanders to the wall, and 3.5 to the side, I have seen some people placing silk plants behind their speaker, good idea or not
would the silk plant cause diffraction or absortion
More than one respected speaker designer has told me that large plants carefully positoned can help a rooms sound.
I don't know what type of speakers that you have, but many maggie users, utilize silk ficus trees behind their speakers for diffraction. Contrary to what beavis says, the do apparently work.
If your system is really, really good (excellent), then use fake plants and you will be pleased with how the good sound actually makes them grow!
I have a 5' tall fake tree/plant in a back corner of my setup. I measured the room response with and without it. I found no difference in SPL's at any frequency. Also, it does't seem to effect imaging positively or negatively.