Can 60 triode watts drive Quad ESL 63's?

That is my query...:-)
I am glad...I will not even monoblock the Berning's then...and try with 30 watts in stereo...

stacking ESL 63's sounds like a good idea to me...hard to setup i would they sell some kind of frame as for the stacked 57's?
Jsujo, The 63's have an impedence drop which can be difficult for some amps to handle (I think its down about 3.5 ohms in the bass area). Something to take into consideration in selecting an amp. FWIW I drove mine with a 40wt PP tube amp w/out any problems.
As to stacking 63's. IMHO, stacking is counter intuitive. 63's are point source speakers. If you stack them you will have two point sources to deal with. Try before you buy - YMMV.
thats right..the 57's arent point source right?

We will see...I will have the speakers home in about 10 days.
I used to run ESL63USA's with a both a Berning ZH270, 70 watt OTL, and with Cary Rocket 88 (20w in triode mode). Both worked fine, the Berning was glorious. You'll be fine.