Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.

Thanks for the recommendation. Qalan Kar - I found a used, pricey copy ($21.95) at amazon. Wonderful stuff but I think, for me at least, this one might fall into the "very specific mood" category as it is almost all percussion. But yes I agree, it's a great find. I also noticed that you recommended Lhasa in another thread I had I. It is always a treat to find people with similar taste especially here, among the purists.

Jewel - Indeed it is a treat! Thanks...I do enjoy these music threads for that reason....find someone who shares your tastes and it's a wonderful resource. I have not been able to find a copy of the new Lhasa you mentioned. It was not listed on it an import? Or have my searching skills been tarnished by poor eyesight and or typing skills!?

Did you get the Qalan Kar CD? Yes, mostly percussion, but quite unique, and it really is amazing the sheer diversity of sounds they are able to get from those instruments.

I don't know if you searched some of my other responses, but another recent all time favorite which is sure to please someone of your tastes is Anouar Brahem, "Le Pas du Chat Noir" (hope I spelled all that right). Haunting and beautiful trio of oud, piano and accordian. I have never tired of this CD!

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Gretchen Wilson- " I'm here for the Party"
several catchy tubes on this CD.