Heimdall 2 vs. Frey 2

Most retailers, reviewers, and owners have a somewhat similar consensus that the Heimdall is the sweet spot and best value in the Nordost line (though I understand this is is system dependent). I've also read from several different owners that the difference between the Heimdall series 1 and the Frey series 1 is not that great to justify the increase in price. Has anyone heard or have any thoughts on the difference between the newer Heimdall 2 vs. the Frey 2? Either in speaker cables, interconnects, tonearm cables, or power cables?
I meant to include in my post-have you read the "Cable cost relative to system" thread in "What do you think?"
Almost like a religion debate. More stuff to digest.
Thanks for the response Tablejockey. I am planning on auditioning the Heimdall 2 vs. Frey 2 in a couple weeks, but not in my exact system. It will run through my same amp (Primaluna HP Integrated), and other tube gear, so I can get their general flavor with tube gear. More and more dealers have told me the series 2 is less clinical and bright than series one Nordost cabling. Series 2 is more musical, neutral and smoother throughout the lower and upper ranges. Many have stated they think it is a better match than series one cabling, so I look forward to auditioning. I have to admit that I am not a big fan of the lavender/purple color of the Frey 2 cabling and much prefer the red Heimdall or grey Tyr, but hopefully it won't be a deal breaker if I really like them. I will give my impressions hopefully when I audition them later this month.

I have read some of the "cable cost relative to system" thread and it is a contentious topic. I hate to see people overextend themselves with their budget but I understand how much of an impact a good cable can make. The law of diminishing returns seems to come in much quicker than other source and spark equipment, so that must be taken into account. The problem with he thread is that the LENGTH required in certain systems will determine the cable decision more than anything. If someone needs a 4 meter speaker cable while another person only needs a 1.5 meter, that can mean $3,000 in some models! Not to mention interconnects, power cables, power conditioner, tonearm cables, etc. Some money has to be put in to bring the best out of your system, but that will be dependent on the system. getting into this hobby, I was not ready for how fast the requirements can spiral out of control. I was thinking some decent speakers, a turntable, cd player, and int amp and I'd be set. So many more decisions to make which is a blessing and a curse! I give my two cents when i hear the cables though. Best, David
I have some experience with the original versions of Heimdall and Frey. The Frey was definitely a big improvement over the Heimdall, smoother and more substance. They were both too thin sounding in my slightly warm-side-of-neutral system so neither was worth the money in that respect. I put Frey 2 throughout and never looked back. They are balanced from top to bottom and to quote a cliché "Makes the old Frey look broken". I have not heard the Heimdall 2.
Your gear has allowed "entrance" into the room of great sound.
Now you have to sift through ridiculous claims, price and as you mention-awful aesthetics.
I flip flop between being agnostic and a follower. The PL HP does respond favorably(in my system) to a power cord and conditioner.
Off topic, you're aware power tubes get you closer to what you seek as well. I have tried KT88 and EL 34. Currently like the sound of some old 6L6
Coke bottles.