Heimdall 2 vs. Frey 2

Most retailers, reviewers, and owners have a somewhat similar consensus that the Heimdall is the sweet spot and best value in the Nordost line (though I understand this is is system dependent). I've also read from several different owners that the difference between the Heimdall series 1 and the Frey series 1 is not that great to justify the increase in price. Has anyone heard or have any thoughts on the difference between the newer Heimdall 2 vs. the Frey 2? Either in speaker cables, interconnects, tonearm cables, or power cables?

I will look into tube rolling at some point. i currently have the EL34 stock tubes to start and will then contact Kevin Deal if I want to tinker and fine tune the sound more to my liking. What power cord and conditioner are you using at the moment?
"So you really dig the Frey 2 - what is your system consist of?"

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
VPI, ARC Ref3 + PH7, Ayre, Vandersteen, AZ Satori Shotgun
I use a power conditioner more for the surge protection and I thought using my ancient $100 monster PLC was doing the HP an injustice. In keeping with the "value" theme, a now discontinued PS Audio powerplay unit is used.I guess the unit is doing its job as I can instantly hear a difference in overall dynamics compared to the monster. As a bonus, it looks much nicer in the rack than the mess of cable on the floor.
The power cord definetly is a YMMV thing. There doesn't seem to be a consistent thread with entry level cords(the only level I'm willing to try).I've had great results with the dubious Mapleshade cord, but it isn't a permanent fixture for obvious reasons. For now I use the Signal Cablle "magic" cord. While many users of this cord report good results, I don't hear any noticeable improvement over the stock cord. Fortunately, it's inexpensive. If I come across an exceptional deal, I may splurge for a Nordost or a Shunyata.
The cable thing really is a roll of the dice. I do believe starting with decent wall AC feeding the system and protection should be addresed.
The Heimdall and Frey 2 are not in the same league. I have Tyr2 as well.same "house sound," but not same quality.