@ Albertporter, wow!, You are a asset to me, Thank you so much!, ....The tube recommendations you have given are being noted to try, what year and type Telefunken 12AX7 tube is best in your opinion?, Thankyou.
There are not as many variations of Telefunken 12AX7 as some tube brands. Just be sure the bottom of the glass has the diamond embedded in the glass so you know it's not re branded.
Second, know your vendor or have provision to test it yourself and be sure the tube is as new or near new.
There are lots of tubes floating around that have been sold and resold as each customer filters out the best and passes on the duds.
Last, don't take my recommendation as gospel. The correct 12AX7 is what works in THAT device. I've seen variation depending on circuit design and implementation. Could be the Mazda, Mullard or even the Siemens is better in the device you're testing.
I gave advice on Aesthetix because I owned it for more than ten years and know pretty well how it responds to various tubes. Your Vincent player is not familiar to me so don't hesitate to test beyond my recommendations to discover what's best.