Of all your gear, what piece impresses you most?

I like all my gear, yet the single piece that blows me away the most is my phono preamp.
I have to cop out a bit here, and declare a tie between my Avantgarde Duo Omegas and my Lamm ML2s - the synergy between these components is priceless.

Not so far behind: the AMR CD-77.1 CD player, and the Cary SLP-05 linestage.

You can follow the entire build here, from conception to completion, including schematics, Spice and PSUD simulations, photos of the parts and sub-assemblies, test results, philosophical debates, etc.:

Building A Midlife Crisis
What impresses me the most in my system are in this order, Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers, Audible Illusions Modulus 3B tuber preamp and Odyssey Stratos Extreme+++ or something like that. Those are 3 pieces I will never sell. In addition, the Odyssey Kismet Reference Floorstanding Speakers which I have in my office system. For a 2 way floorstanding speaker, the sound is to die for.