CATSL1 best pre under 3K?

Is a CAT SL1 preamp the preamp to buy used under 3k or are there better
IF you can find a CAT SL1 under $3K....a VERY BIG IF, IMHO there is nothing better at even twice the price....and maybe many times that!
Depending on age, the tubes may be needing replacement, BUT that is an easy task and well worth it.
What other preamp do you think would compete with the SL1 at anywhere near that price?
I'm very familiar with the CAT preamp and have heard it in different friend's
systems over the years. For a bit more money(used) the TRL DUDE and the

Coincident Statement Line stage are significantly better sounding.
Dvdgrdco, this is just my personal listening experience and nothing more.
Subjectivity is the rule and you'll get a diverse range of responses. It always
depends on what type of sound you're seeking. The CAT could be ideal for
your taste.Ifpossible audition the two I mentioned and see for yourself. The
VAC Signature is also better sounding than the CAT IMO but even used will
be well above your stated price range.
Good Luck,