looking for a place to buy blu-ray dvds

I've seen blu-ray.com any good?, can you folks possibly suggest a place where to buy blu-rays and not worry about quality.
Looking to start a small library.
Best buy typically matches prices from Amazon online, if I'm not mistaken, right in the stores. Occasionally, I see some deals at Walmart, but then yes, also Amazon.
Once in a blu moon (no pun), I'll see some minty restored or even new closeout deals at local mom and pop video rental stores, which have mostly all but disappeared in my neck of the woods.
Guess Netflix has taken a chunk, as well as the Zon.
Heck, were already seeing 4K and UltraHD displays at the stores, and the Blu disc will likely shrivel up and go online streaming medium, almost exclusively in the near future. Yes, the discs days are probably numbered, me thinks.
Still got my 100 blu disc collection though...looks stellar on a good projector
wow $17.99 for Z, its 29.99 at best buy, well done.
Costco is a great idea I am a member but never paid attention to the movies section.
I think best buy had a special on Tuesdays not sure if they still do.
I guess that the consensus is that quality is pretty much the same in most places.
thank you all for the info!!
"Best buy typically matches prices from Amazon online, if I'm not mistaken, right in the stores. Occasionally, I see some deals at Walmart, but then yes, also Amazon."

You have to watch Walmart. There's nothing worse than finding out you bought a censored CD until after you open it.