Do I esentially have a class A amp?

I have a Krell KST 100 which has class A/B topology but it runs in class A up to 50 watts or half power before sliding over to class B. At most I may use 10 watts and at that very rarely when I drive my Vandersteens. So my question is do I essentially have a class A amp?
While I don't believe specs can demonstrate all the qualities of sound that a component will provide, specs can offer a glimpse of what sound might be produced, especially when the specs of the surrounding components are known as well.
My amp Sunfire 300 clearly demonstrates sound qualities per specified. It does use deep 22db NFB as most digital amps do. I can't tell exactly how many AB comparisons had been done so far swapping one amp vs. mine to just simply tell you that my amp was acquired according to specks that matched my other components and speakers and no other amp so far was able to proof its worthiness for the value. For JC sake how in the world can you beat $<1000 used 300wpc/8Ohm of continuous power stable to .5Ohm???.

Read more about audiophoolishness over the internet and do not buy neither digital amps or any other amps with NFB so they can be sold cheaper.
I don't design audio but it would be quite easy to design an amp that would measure THD=0.001% IMD=0.001% BW=500kHz and DF=1000 with absolutely horrible sound. I suspect that if you find amp like that (plenty of them in 70s) IT WILL have horrible sound (and they had). Again, spects have nothing to do with the sound. Even power spects are so vague that amp listed as one with higher power might actually play softer. Price of the amp might be even better indicator of quality than spects.

Czarivey, 22dB is not a deep feedback. Most of digital amps don't use deep NFB because there is no need for that. PWM is quite linear while output has by definition low impedance to start with (since one Mosfet is always conducting to low impedance point - GND or VCC).
^Maybe this proves your point:

Then again, maybe not.
I believe that example is classic in its representing the "major" discrepancy in actual sound performance vs lab measurements. If one were to judge the Kron amplifier on measured results alone it would be deemed an undeniable failure. Michael Fremer found it to be one of the very best,convincing, captivating and "realistic" music reproducing amps he`s ever heard! Thanks Unsound, that entire review and followup was quite interesting.Based on listening the review was an utter rave.