Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

A member of this forum doesn't need to actually converse with you to understand your character. They can do that by simply reading yours posts in the background. Judyazblues called it the way he sees it, and from my point of view that is fair enough. I think you should take it on the chin. I don't think you really want this thread to become an airing of your past history on this forum. My advice is put it behind and you move on.
I do not have a past bad past history with no one but you Melbguy1, thats it, I have got Very high regards of my post from a huge amout of members!, as a matter of fact!, they talk to me on a regular basis on the telephone!, I get tons of E-mails, and have made a large number of very close friends with systems better and not better than my own, The Gentleman you talked to on this thread is highly respected!, Isochronism is one of my friends with a unique very exspensive system I converse with by phone and E-mails!, He is my special friend!, and friends like him are hard to come by!, I will take your advice and put negativity behind me!, and move on, thanks melbguy1.
Yes, you're a very charming when you're not hacking into people's computers, posting private information about them you harvested to attack them, undermining the sale of thier items, posting bogus negative comments in thier reviews, intimidating members who come to thier defense and puffing up your ego as if you're Nelson Pass, when in fact you're clueless. More than happy to post transcripts of your personal attacks on me. Just let me know how far you want to take it..
Narcissistic Psychopathic disorder is never self realized by those who suffer from it. Very sad. I am not making a joke.
Can I get in on this? I'm a bad guy too. Yea, that's right. I'm really really bad. I'm so bad that compared to me, bad is good! Unless someone kicks the hell out of me, I know I'm gettin kicked outa there! Five point stars point to heaven when I come around. Oh yea. I'm so bad I'm in solitary confinement even when I'm not! That's right. I'm so bad I eat raw, whole onions instead of apples! I eat garlic cloves instead of peanuts! Jalapenos cool me down!! You better believe it. Police sirens quiet down when they pass by me. You don't want to get on my good side.