Hegel h200 low level listening

I'm curious to know what h200 owners think of their low level listening and detail. I'm close to pulling the trigger and unfortunately I didn't do a lot of low level listening when I auditioned the amp. I have no option to listen to it again locally.

I've spent the past year listening to integrated amps and darned if I can't find one that I like nearly as much as this ugly beast. Not even close, right up to the Ayre AX5. I'm so tired of listening to absolutely beautifully built amplifiers while thinking about my two hours with the Hegel H200. Please don't mention the H300 because I can't afford it.

I would greatly appreciate any information you can pass along.
Donjr - I am in love with my Hegel H200. I bought it used early this year intending to use it as backup for Consonance Cyber 800SE tube mono blocks. Since installing it, it has not left the system. It drives Totem Forest speakers. I'm not 100% sure what constitutes low level listening for you. Using a R/S SPL meter I tend to listen at volumes in the upper 70s to mid 80s db range. The Totems seem to need a bit of volume to sound best. I'll make an effort to do some listening at mid-60s - 70s later and report back to you. I really like this amp. I posted comments about it on other threads here on A'gon. Don't wish to repeat myself here. One final comment I will make is that the Forests can be a bit harsh with certain (poorly recorded?) CDs. The Hegel seems to make even these sound great. Hope you get something that gives you many hours of fantastic listening.
Thanks Ghosthouse. I truly understand why this integrated gets so much praise. It's the first ss integrated I've heard that makes me want to unplug my Rogue and put it back in the box. With better case work they could fetch $10k for H200.
I once tested a Hegel integrated a few years back now and can't remember which model. All I can say is that is was good at all levels and almost displaced the system I was using. It's good but I like my Cyber 800 monoblocs by Consonance better, you just need the right pre amp, cables, and tubes.
Mechans - we can start another thread and trade stories about how the Cybers are set up. Seriously...I'd enjoy reading how you run yours and, in particular, with what speakers.

Donjr - hopefully you can get the Hegel AND keep the Rogue. Always nice to have something to switch off to from time to time. Cheaper than selling & buying all the time.