When did you start to love music and why?

My story is short but in 1962 our family lived on military housing in France. My folks purchased a Grundig tube console stereo and loved playing music with friends. This was my introduction to music. Interestingly when the Grundig (German made)stereo broke down we called for a French repairman. All he could do was cuss as he tried to make repairs. Finally he gave up and said only a german repairman could fix it.

I personally think that music is like a time machine and can instantly transport you back to a time and place but just as important it can be exciting and or relaxing.

No one at home was "into" audio, except for the radio (2-in-1) that used to play for couple of hours each day. Started as a fascination for mini-audio systems from Kenwood, Pioneer, Sony, Technics etc when I was in school (7th grade maybe). This was mid-80s. We could not afford those systems at that point. I would occasionally hear such system at some "rich kid's" place. Then one day, I heard a Bose system at a dad's friend's place and that was the "best" music I ever heard. This was the tipping point - from "gadget" to "music". The "loudness" factor from the mini-system seems so crude compared to the actual music flowing through the Bose system(yeah bash me). Music was melodious on this system than anywhere else I had heard before. That started my audio journey. It took me years to get the first system. But till then I had a Sony Walkman with a good headphone set and made sure that I records my favorite music in the best possible resolution (Metal/Chrome Tapes).
Actually, Louis Armstrong was the first to really bring it home for me. I was 5.
Growing up hearing the many gospel choirs and singings groups and soloist in church. From the Hammond B3 organ to the brothers playing a wash board and spoons and mothers tambourines. Having school assemblies where the school orchestra would play.

Over the many years I have grown to have a great appreciation for many types and styles of music. It truly is a joyous journey for the ears.
A thread for the world! There can't possibly be someone out there who doesn't love music. Unless of course they suffer from some sort of disorder. I'm with Iso. Can't remember that far back. Probably something like 'Twinkle twinkle little star'.