When did you start to love music and why?

My story is short but in 1962 our family lived on military housing in France. My folks purchased a Grundig tube console stereo and loved playing music with friends. This was my introduction to music. Interestingly when the Grundig (German made)stereo broke down we called for a French repairman. All he could do was cuss as he tried to make repairs. Finally he gave up and said only a german repairman could fix it.

I personally think that music is like a time machine and can instantly transport you back to a time and place but just as important it can be exciting and or relaxing.

I moved to Minnesota in 1983 from San Jose and 1 day I walked into a stereo store in St.Paul (the house of high fidelity) and from that day on I have not been the same.
I listened to a pair of tube amps; atmasphere's ma1 first revision driving a floor standing speaker.Using a rpm turntable with a moving coil as source and quicksilver preamp; the sound was fantastic.I think the sales person was playing Sinatra live at the Sands with Count Basie and it was like I was there at a table drinking single malt with the room filled with cigar smoke.I can now say I wished I had been interested more in music during my school years as I can now understand and appreciate the value and meaning of music and artists who work within it.
I mentioned on another thread that my first fav was Johnny Cash's 'Ring Of Fire'. I was four at the time. I guess around the time I started paying attention to the radio. I became a Hi-Fi nut upon listening to my brother-in-law's new Yamaha system in '70.
Csontos, respectfully I disagree. I know alot of people that don't even listen to music, don't go to concerts, or make music purchases, they just have no interest at all. But I think at the very least everyone that visits this website has big interest in music.
My goodness! What a terrible loss. I sure hope you're wrong and those people are at least whistling while they work.
Csontos, your right and I bet their whistling "Ring of Fire" which would be a very good thing!