Oldest piece of gear you own

I will start - Pass Aleph Ono, vintage about 1997 or so, followed closely by an LP12, ca 1998. Speakers and tuner both are from 2000. Newest gear is a cd spinner, Simaudio, ca 2011.
Radio Engineering Laboratories (REL) Precedent FM Tuner, from 1954. (No relation to the British subwoofer manufacturer REL).

Designed by former associates of Edwin Armstrong (inventor of both FM and the superheterodyne principle upon which nearly all tuners and radios are based).

Mono in itself, but it provides a multiplex output signal that is decoded into stereo by an external multiplex adapter (I use an H. H. Scott LM35).

Mine is the equal of two Marantz 10B's I have owned in terms of weak signal reception, and tops both of them in sound quality.

Considered to be a classic, and deservedly so.

-- Al
I still have a pair of McIntosh 60s in really nice shape. I have a hard time letting them go.
Advent 300 receiver circa 1977.I use it in my den and it still sounds great!
I'm not sure when I bought my Adcom ACE 515 power conditioner that is still in use (don't start with me...when it blows up I'll replace it) but my Linn Basik/Akito might actually be older although I bought it a few years ago. I use a pair of reconed Boston A60II speakers (bought new in the late 80's) in my video setup (stereo...I can't be bothered with surround) and they sound great. Do I win a prize or anything? Oh wait...I have a little Sony radio with its own built in speaker box...competed with the KLH I suppose...bought for me in the early 70s (still use it in my garage)...NOW I get a prize...right?
Wolf, you DO NOT get the prize. I think Almarg does with his (REL) Precedent FM Tuner, from 1954. My Mac's are not far behind, I am the 3rd owner of them. The guy that originally purchased them bought the 1st one sometime in the 50's, don't know the year but I'm sure I could find out from McIntosh. He used it in a monaural set-up. He later purchased another to match the first one some years later when he went "stereo". This according to the SECOND buyer who had them for a year before I purchased from him in 1991.