Why does Spectral have such a cult following

I've never thought their stuff sounded that special. They have very few dealers and they don't advertise at all. I'm not saying it's bad gear. I just don't understand why some people act like it's the holy grail.
How about when and wenn? That is a new one for me. You know so much about audio and you can't even spell a simple werd.
I do not understand why spectral has a following my self!, Years ago, the late 90s,1997, I took the spectral amp out of a licensed spectral system and installed a Krell fpb 600 amp and took the mit cables out too!, installed Taralabs the one cables thru out,along with the Krell that was on the Avalon Edilon speakers, I was floored by the sound with the Tara cables and Krell amp combo with the spectral pre-amp and cd-player, this was a game changer!, ever since then, I have bought Krell amps!
I think part of the mystique has to do with the fact that certain models could only be used with MIT cables. I don't agree with the early comments in this thread about the sonic characteristics. Some of the best sound I have ever heard was with Spectral components played thru Dunlavy 4A speakers. Fast and extended were the words that came to mind.
What I said earlier in speed and depth of stage it is stunning. I heard a demo with Avalon Eidolon Diamond's. Timing and room stage depth was stunning. But........I said nice but a violin does not sound like this at all. The violin sounded like shit. And what I have said hundreds of times the sharpness of the indivual focus of the violin missed the intimate sound I want.
Eye herd spectral at a dealer win eye wuz in new york. There showroom wuz spectacklar and the amps still sounded like schitt (not byfrost, the other kind).