Doug99 & Beemerrider...White Audio Labs IS listed in my
collection of Audio Magazine "Annual Equipment
I checked the 1995 issue and Doug99 is correct in that the B1
was 100 watts per channel, the B2 was 200 watts per channel
and the B3 was 300 watts per channel. They also had a B80
that was a 80 watt per channel monobloc.
Doug was also correct in that these are ALL Class A/AB amps.
collection of Audio Magazine "Annual Equipment
I checked the 1995 issue and Doug99 is correct in that the B1
was 100 watts per channel, the B2 was 200 watts per channel
and the B3 was 300 watts per channel. They also had a B80
that was a 80 watt per channel monobloc.
Doug was also correct in that these are ALL Class A/AB amps.