is there anyone that modifies audible illusions?

i have an audible illusions 2d. i have always enjoyed it, but am interested in modding it. can anyone recommend someone that mods them? also, can anyone give a comparison to a 3a or 3b? i am hoping to improve the imaging and soundstage as well as reduce the tiny bit of glare/grain in the upper mids. strong violins for instance tend to sound harsh and cause me to wince a bit. i am running a set of 6922 type3 from upscale audio. i was recommended to step down to the type2. i will try that as well...
"i am running a set of 6922 type3 from upscale audio. i was recommended to step down to the type2."

I would try some Gold Lion 6922s from Jim McShane. They are fairly warm and should take some bite off the top end. And certainly a lot cheaper than redoing your entire system.
Will gold lions hold up to the high gain of the ai ? Iirc the 2 series was even harder on tubes than the later 3.

If possible can the earlier poster describe more in detail the differences bw the 2 and 3?

Hifi geek, do you have a website or can you post more info?

Thank you everyone,
(((i fell into audiophilia 15 yrs ago. the tributaries were too bright, but the audioquest seemed to tame it with my aforementioned vandersteens. i was happy for 13+years until this week.)))
(((. strong violins for instance tend to sound harsh and cause me to wince a bit. )))
Great pre amp My suggestion would be don't mod it.
Find a pre owned ARC 100.2 with AQ cables and go back to set of pre owned Vandies you almost had a great system in place.
The ARC amps 100 k plus input imp is spot on with AI 2D when run together.
Sometimes we need to trace our steps backwards.

My daughter has already appropriated my old vandys. Fwiw I am very happy with the gallo 3.5 but will always speak highly of richard vandersteen. I wish it had been possible to audition the gallo and vandy sig 3a. But, no dice. In addition the price on the new gallos was too good to pass up. All in all no regrets.
"Will gold lions hold up to the high gain of the ai ? Iirc the 2 series was even harder on tubes than the later 3."

Check with McShane. He is a straight shooter who won't tell you what he thinks you want to hear just to make a sale.