Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
The 802D also cannot give a deep stage either. I listend to the 800D in the past. I knew I would stop here. I wanted to go to the next level. So what is the next level? The next level was a deeperand wider stage. What does a wider and deeper stage do? This makes the music you love more involving and more 3-dimensional. Wenn the spacse of the stage becomes bigger instruments and voices get for freedom and space during listening. They wil stand more loose from eachother. You close your eyes and suddenly you can see were every person is standing. The smile on your face is so much bigger. It is like in real that they are standing there. It is the most stunning way of listening to music. It is also very addictive, you want to listen for many hours. That is why I only want to sell 3-dimensional sound to my clients. I want to give them the thing I love so much. Wenn people listen to it, you understand that you never want to go back to 2-dimensional sound anymore.
Bo1972, what speakers and amp/integrated you can recommend within $10K range for both to get that 3d sound? Thank you
This year I sold my old audio rack to a person who owns the Denon AVP-1 and POA-A1 combi. After 30 min hearing my set his words were: so this is the end of my Denon set. Because 3D is superior to any 2D sound. It is also the speed and timing what convinces people what they often miss in there set.

amps which can give depth: Primare, Pass Labs, Pathos. These you also can get 2nd hand for good prices.

Onkyo is the only brand I know to date which can give deth in the price range they work. Wenn you compare there competitors like Denon, Marantz, Cambridge, Nad and Yamaha you will hear how much smaller there stages are even used with speakers which can give a deep and wide stage. That is why I call these brands 2-dimensional.

the 1000 series of Focal can give a deep and wide stage.

Monitor Audio is the only brand I know to date which can give depth with all there speakers they make. Even the cheapest ones. In the past I sold the silver series with Primare a lot. All other shops sold 2-dimensional sound for this kind of money. I was the only one who could dilver a 3 dimensional sound. Even for not a lot of money.

I also use Onkyo with Primare amps togheter. With Audyssey Pro ( measured at my way) I can even get a higher level. I can adjust the stage depth and wide as I want it to be. And I can even adjust the freq. respons to the sound a person wants.
My current Bel Canto Ref1000m monoblocks are about as good as anything I have heard anywhere in recent years with my OHM and Dynaudio speakers, and come in your price range used, but there are certainly lots of great amps out there.

You just gotta pair up the right amp that floats your boat for the specific speakers and room at hand.

There probably is no single "best". If there is, I do not know what it is and not sure how such a thing could ever be determined even.

I would expect to have to open my wallet up way beyond any norm though in order to truly be able to afford the best of anything, and the cost these days for the "best" audio gear, assuming price is a good indicator, probably comes in right behind the price of the best home or car, or perhaps the undeniable perfect model woman? Like a Kate Upton or equivalent maybe?

Is that what you really want?
There are more way's to a 3-dimensional image. But there is a big but. In the world of audio there are unfortunately a lot more 2-dimensional products. These days I do not sell products anymore which give a 2-dimensional image. Wenn people ask for some brands who does give a 2dimensional image I give a negative advice. Wenn they still want it, it's ok with me.