Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
Oh I am sure he is not done yet P59. He has only been talking about the multi-dimensionality of certain amps in this thread. Amps that coincidently are the ones he sells.

He hasn't started talking about how certain amps have "talent". Amps that again are the ones he happens to sell.

Its strange though, I keep looking for specifications for "dimensionality" and "talent" in an amp so I don't make a mistake and buy the wrong ones. But I have yet to find these specs in anyone's literature. I guess we'll just have to ask Bo, who coincidently happens to be an audio salesman.
Very good assessment, Paraneer. I found it very informative, even though some of it is me anyway.
Stage depth and wide can be created by all parts in a system. In over 15 years I am in this business you hear many many amps, sources, speakers and cables etc. Wenn I use the words properties/talents I talk about how is the stage build of the part you test. What is the sound? Is it warm, clean or more to natural. How is the speed and timing? How much weight and drive does it give. And how much detail/resolution it can give. And how sharp is the individual focus of instruments and voices? How is the level of blacks. Blacks is the space between the instruments and voices with there acoustic information were they were recorded. Wenn instruments and voices become more palpable were they stand the level in blacks is higher. Wenn you have done so many tests you easily can give everything you test properties/talents. Wenn I listen to a set within 10 seconds I know what there is and what is missing.( with my own music) You use the right properties to complete the parts which are missing.
What are the biggest difference between 2 and 3 dimensional sound. Wenn you visit other shops, shows and people at home most sets are what I call 2-dimensional. This means that everything you play most instruments and voices stand on the same line. There is maximum 1 metre of depth. Many amps and also speakers push the image forwards. I Always use simple recordings with 2 instruments and 1 voice to let people hear the difference between 2 and 3 dimensional. So it is easy for everybody to understand.

A 3-dimensional stage is a lot wider and deeper. Wenn you use it to the max the music will even become from beside your speakers. Many instruments ( depending on the recording ofcourse) can come from 4-5 metres from behind the speakers.

What is the difference what it does to you wenn you listen to a 3-dimensional image. Wenn instruments and voices stand full loose and palpable infront of you, you know in a few seconds that it is a different world. I can see it on the smiles of the people who are listening. During listening you can focus on every person who plays an instrument or who is singing. You can walk true the recording during listening. The level of emotion is so much higher wenn you play 3-dimensional. The distance between you and the music is smaller. It is more intimate. this is the word many people use wen they listen to it. I feels like you are pulled into the music. Wenn you are at a show I Always take a look at the faces of people. Wenn you see many smiles you know it is good.
"Wenn you see many smiles you know it is good. "

That is a very good metric!!