Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
I agree Nvp. Again, Bo1972 has a mantra going, and that's just the way he operates. I can see how it is irritating and annoying to you as well as others. I am irritated by it as well, but again, not to the point of being offended. I don't wish to see him banned or censored either. Some of his stuff is actually informative. He's certainly quite a character, but aren't we all in our own way! That's what makes this hobby interesting! All of us are nuts, and you basically have to be to spend this kind of money on this stuff, and the colorful personalities in the audiophile world are one thing that makes it a worthwhile hobby! All imo, of course!
@Charles1dad : We can't agree more : Hifi is a matter of taste, there is no absolute. As Bo1972 says, you don't have to be faithful to any brand, just the result matter! And that result matters to the listener, not the vendor...
Forums are great to glad some infos but if anyone take those infos for the absolute truth and buy without listen, it's probably the best "sitting duck" for greedy vendors...
Bo is obsessed with Passlabs's 3D image where Naim's lovers would be obsessed with energy and fun(and their savings as well...). It's always a matter of taste until you ear better!...
For soundstage look no further than Sound Lab, the big Snells, original Quads, the big Rockports, the big Kharmas, even the itty bitty LS3/5As.
For most of you this is a hobby. For me it is what I do for a living for over 15 years of time. I do not see it as work, because it does not cost a lot of energy. It is so much fun to do. Wenn you have the options to test and hear so many different things in audio. You are spoiled and everyone know's it can be addictive sometimes. I am not obsessed by a brand. First of all I love music. You want to feel as much emotion in the music you like as possible. Wenn music plays in full 3D in front of you it effects you differently wenn it plays in 2D to you. In 6 years of time I showed many people the difference between them. Stage depth and wide has a big influence on the music you play. It can set all the different instruments and voices of the recording free in your room.