Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild?

I am looking for someone to re-build my Dynakit ST-70. It works as is right now but, I want to upgrade it. I want to upgrade the power supply, the caps and PC board. I also want to give it a face lift and move the inputs to the rear panel. Who does this kind of work? I know will vincent used to restore these but, I can't find a way to contact him. Does anyone else do a good job on them? Thanks.

We've done a lot of them over the years too, as well as PAS-3s and FM-3s.

FWIW any competent technician can handle any Dyna tube gear with ease.
Another excellent option: ( http://curcioaudio.com/ ) Joe has been modding Dynaco gear for decades.
It depends on what you're looking for from the amp. If you want to preserve its original circuitry and tone, I'd say Will Vincent does a nice restoration of the original with a few small upgrades; for a bit more modification of the circuit the Curcio has had many nice things said about it. If you want to radically overhaul the amp, get Kevin Carter's ST-70 upgrade kit from K&K Audio. It utilizes the chassis and the output transformers from the original, but upgrades the entire circuit board, power supply and power transformer, and gives you a lot of flexibility in output tube choices right up to a KT120.