4 OHM speakers with an 8 OHM amplifier?

Hey all,

I came across some interesting speakers... they are bang & Olufsen from the late 60's.. I discovered they have SEAS drivers which I hear are not bad?

Here's my question... they are rated 4 OHMS..

My Conrad Johnson MF200 is rated at 8 OHMS.. 200 watts.

Is this safe or OK to try?? Will it damage my amp?

I am holding off on even trying such a thing until I get the right answers..

I sent an email to CJ but they are in the middle of a move...

Any and all insight would be GREATLY appreciated!

the MF200 is a solid state amp that should be fine driving 4 ohms, maybe even 2 ohms.
Agree with Bdgregory. Absolutely no problem with that amp into those speakers..at all.
stereophile measurements on the MF200 at 4ohm:

Yes, no problem, go for it. I would caution you however to make sure the woofer surrounds are intact.