Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?
For over 2 year I did run a shop were we sold a lot of tube amps. I like it a lot. I have enough clients with very expensive tube amps. It is my personal opinion ( regardless the sensitivity of a loudspeaker) that it is easier to get more control, speed and drive with SS amps. I personally would use it with a tube pre amp. Because you still can get the extra musical sound you want. And yes there are speakers wich are esasy to drive who can play well controlled with tubes alone. But I talk here in general. I am not talking about the situations of the exceptions. The qustion of the topic is Tube in pre amp or Poweramp? I would choose for Tube in Pre amp. That's all!!

I really think you need to post a dealer disclaimer at the bottom of your posts. This is an important point of information.

And I agree with Wolf and Charles (both long respected contributors here). Again, the classic vs modern tube sound distinction is useful here. And any overly broad generalization should be taken with a grain of salt.

In addition to this modern vs classic sound, for amps we have a number of designs that each have their own characteristics: SET, push-pull, OTL. And then there are characteristics of certain tube types, and then there are different designs and manufacturers of a given tube type.
We are not taking about exceptions? Are we? I prefer class A far over class B or even class D. I hear the advantages of the Pass Labs amps with class A over the Tube amps in many situations. It is the difference of speed in a guitar or the drive in the lowest freq ( more different layers to be heard). I love the tube sound a lot. But you are Always looking for the best sound without limitations. Which are there to be heard at the speakers. When I use my own music I can often let people hear the limitaions of the use of just tubes in there system. With class A SS amps you have more options and freedom for many different speakers than only using tube for power amps. Solaris4ever askes our opinion about what to choose? So I just give my advise with my knowledge. And I explain why I prefer it. Wenn you prefer tube poweramps, fine with me. I do not agree. But I respect your opinion. So please respect mine as well!! And I think we should ask him which speakers he uses?
Wenn he is using the Amati, I would not recommand for tubes. This speakers I heard many times go wrong. Often with tubes or even SS without power and control.
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