ayre v-5xe has consistant noise after warm up

My Ayre v-5xe amp makes a sound for a split second everytime after starting the amp. The sound comes from the amp at around 9 minutes after turning on and listening. It sounds like a smoke detector only not nearly as loud. The noise is noticable, but that's it, almost mechanical in nature. Has anyone dealt with this before. Michael at Ayre had no advise but to send it back, and even then there may not be a fix.
Since you don’t want to send the amp back to Ayre, your only option left is open it up, muck around inside until you either electrocute yourself or bugger it up to the point that your ONLY option is to send it back to Ayre. BTW, a lot amps don’t like to be turned on without a load attached.
Something is vibrating in your amp. Use something non conductive like a wooden stick and try touching some caps and transformers to see if the noise changes or goes away. Once you find the reason then unplug the amp and try to work on reducing the noise.
Now I see how these "newbie" members like Testpilot get so many threads answered in such little time. He's a troll.

Well, maybe Brf jammed my thread enough, I won't get a relevant answer.

He only offered possible diagnostic solutions in a constructive manner and you dismiss him…nice

My initial question is not being answered. Has anyone dealt with this?

Again, other posters tried to offer help as to possible solutions/sources of problem, and they are dismissed.

So let’s be clear. You are NOT interested in trouble shooting the problem. You ONLY want to hear from other Ayre owners who have this same problem as you; a problem that even Ayre has never experienced before.

Good luck with that.
I would not say it would have to be an Ayre owner, but you are correct, I had already eliminated most of the tangibles on my own. I would like some past experience to run by my local tech, because I don't know what to tell him. I did get some constructive feedback from Audio Asylum. Also I'm testy from bouncing around on meds from an open heart surgery in August. My apologies.