Advice for new Integrated amp please.

Hello all. I am considering selling my Emotiva mono blocks and pre-amp and simplifying with an integrated amp. I moved from Magnepans (which needed lots of power) to the New Golden Ear Triton 7's which don't need nearly as much current. The models which interest me are the Marantz PM8004, Rogue Sphinx and Anthem225. I do listen to some vinyl so a built in phono section is a plus. My listening tastes are electric blues and classic rock. I live off the beaten path a bit so auditions are very difficult. Input, comments, suggestions appreciated....
I saw my local dealer had his demo Rogue Cronus Magnum up for sale here just a few days ago. I've heard it run Magnepan mmgs with Rel sub there...very nice! I recall the Tritons which I have also heard may be similarly tube friendly as well. Having heard them, I think I would consider a decent tube integrated perhaps if possible.
Tube hybrid could be interesting. Rogue seems big into that these days as well. Have not heard, but would expect very good results in general. I do run separate ARC tube pre-amp + Bel Canto Class D amp. BEst of both worlds indeed in many cases. Very liquid neutral (not warm) midrange, but can still be a touch warm sounding with some speakers that normally tend to lean that way, like Dynaudio.
The Rougue Sphinx is class D + tube pre. The tweeter in the Triton 7's is a version of the old Heil Air Motion tweeter. Or a mini-ribbon I guess. I would think a tube pre section would mate very well with that. I get the sense my Emotiva separates can be a tad bright(transistory?) with it.
I've heard the GE Tritons and Aons. Tritons were not set up well so I did not get a good sense of their potential. Aons were and there was a lot to like. THe folded ribbon delivered what I would describe as a more "polite" top end than other speakers I heard in comparison, less tending towards bright or edgy than the others. Good CLass D + tube pre is best of both worlds as often described. A good match on paper for use with GEs in general, I would think. Rogue SPhinx has goten some good reviews and Rogue in general tends to offer very high quality sound and good value with its products.