manufactured refurbished

What are your thoughts on Manufactured Refurbished products? In question is a Harman Kardon hk990 int. on Ebay for $990. This is straight from the manufacturer with full warranty. I've been looking at this product for awhile and am highly interested at this price point but a little nervous about spending money on a product that may have recurring problems.
Like new in my experience. In fact in high end it is often new and a way to reduce price and move out inventory.
I looked at the ad on ebay and saw all the negative feedback, most relating to poor service and defective items. It looks like 3rd party service. It's a gamble.

I'll tell you my experiences;
1. bought refurbished item online from Apple with warranty...great experience.
2. bought a refurb preamp from a dealer on ebay w/ warranty... died after a couple of weeks, and then began a back and forth shipping event to a 3rd party tech for warranty service. The dealer was covering the repair cost, not the manufacturer. I paid a couple hundred in shipping.

I would buy refurb again, but the bottom line is the poor feedback.
thank you everyone for your responses. I am practically interested in Lowrider57's response. It looks like I should be asking questions about who is doing the refurb. Even though the manufacturer is backing the repairs the work might have been done by a 3rd party, which might not be up to par with the original manufacturer.
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Swampwalker's suggestion to research the particular model you wish to purchase is good advice. I bought a refurb television that was known to have problems. Had I researched online and read the horror stories from others about that model, I would never have bought it. After 3 years of grief, I finally gave up on it and bought a new one.

My experience with refurbed electronics has, otherwise, been positive.