I'm looking for a couple of great class A bias amps (monoblocks) with the best "slam" as well as a sweet sound.
I recently sold 2 Krell KMA 160 mono blocks and I really miss them. What's out there that has the same attributes? I want 100-160 WATTS RMS that I can weld with if I want.
I also own the Pass XA.5 series, and although I love mine, it seems that these amps are a bit reticent in the bass/slam department. I've read that enough times from enough different people that I'm pretty comfortable attributing the issue to the amps.
I owned many Pass Labs poweramps. If you choose for the XA or X series ( Always .5 ofcourse)you both cannot go wrong. The XA are a little more musical and the stage is maybe more 3D. But the drive and speed of the X series is better. Also the high's sound more open at higher volumes. My next will be X600.5 or maybe the XA160.5. Pass Labs gives a deep and wide stage. And is one of the best in focussing on the real sound of instruments. But you need the right cables to get the very small and direct individual focus instruments and voices give in real. Many make the same fault in this part. Do not use MIT or Shunyata cables with Pass. because you will not get the intimate sound you need. When you compare Audioquest with these two brands on Pass Labs you understand why the other two make the proportion of instruments and voice too big. You Always need to understand the properties of an amp before you choose the cables. Because they have there own properties as well.
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