Best Class A amp with SLAM

I'm looking for a couple of great class A bias amps (monoblocks) with the best "slam" as well as a sweet sound.

I recently sold 2 Krell KMA 160 mono blocks and I really miss them. What's out there that has the same attributes? I want 100-160 WATTS RMS that I can weld with if I want.
Time to re-set this thread after getting derailed by the usual distractor.

The original poster already has Pass amps and wants to know if there's something that will provide the kind of slam he got from Krell while sounding "sweet," which I assume means warm and not harsh-sounding up top. He did not ask about soundstage or singer's head size or any of that.
I think I would go for the X.5 series. I also owned the XA100.5. I also prefer the extra slamm and weight of the X.5 series. The high's are also different compared to the XA.5 series. There are a few Krell amps I also like. But the focus on the timbre of instruments and voices Pass does a better job.
Handymann --

You should try out a pair of Belles SA-30 stereo poweramps in a (vertical) bi-amp configuration:

It may not look much on paper but, believe me, you'll be convinced of its merrits in-use. Simply put it's one of the best poweramps, if not the best, I've ever heard - price disregarded. Its sonic attributes are that of coherency, scale, ease, dynamic (both micro and macro) and transient prowess, naturalness, resolution, etc. In fact it hardly makes sense to point out specific areas it does well, it's just an overriding feeling of the music being unrestricted, indeed freed - there's really nothing it can't handle.

Perhaps it makes more sense pointing out what it does better than most amps I've heard; there's an inherent sense of power and vitality combined with an outspoken coherency, natural tone, and organic "vibrancy." Leading edges are sharp and clean, as they should be, yet in no way overpowers the flow of the music. To my ears this is a rare sonic combination.

For your information I have no affiliation with Power Modules(Belles).
Oh, pardon - it seems the Grand Slamm's can't be run in bi-amp mode. A single SA-30 mayn't suffice, but I'd try it out nonetheless..