Cary 805 vs v12

I really enjoy my janszen speakers and have powered them with six PAC el34 triodes for almost a year. I tried a mcintosh mc275 for a time, but found I prefer the el34 to the kt tube family. I was considering finding a used v12 with the ultralinear switch to get more out of my system. But, then I thought, " hmm...I wonder what the 805ae would sound like?"

Anyone care to compare the 805ae to the six pacs to the v12? I lean towards warm and full bodied sound and do not care for the hyper detailed krell sound.

Emotive Sira pre
Sony hapz1es
Svs stereo subs
Six PAC mono blocks
Janszen za2.1
I have not owned the Cary 805 but I have listened to it a number of times for many hours in different venues both business and private homes. I do own the superb Cary V12 which does have the warm, full sound you like. Before purchasing the V12 I had a similar dilemma such as you stated. Ultimately my decision was to go with the V12. Save the money and upgrade other aspects of your system, or buy more music; the difference between the two amps is not far apart with regard to how it sounds. The V12 has plenty of power and with the right speakers you won't need it. The V12 is a vastly underrated great amp, thanks, Dennis Had. If I remember correctly, in the owner Manuel it states it is a smaller 805. Also, better than the Six Packs. Best, Rob
I don't think you'll gain anything by moving to a (stereo) V12...and you'll probably be taking a step backwards. I owned the SixPacs and loved them (but sold them because I couldn't take the heat they produced, and my neuroses over tubes got in the way of just enjoying the music). If I recall correctly, the SixPacs are (basically) a V12 split in half. The 805 is another animal altogether (from a design perspective). I've never heard it, but always wanted to hear a pair in my system (when I was into tubes).
Yes the six pacs are essentially the basis of the v12 from what I have heard. I believe the v12 has better caps, wiring, etc and I think the transformer may be better. I also like the ultralinear switch.

However the 805 is a halo product that makes me wonder. I have not heard an 845 or 211 tube but I have audidory visions of luscious female vocals that wrap around me! Unfortunately 7-10k to find out is a little daunting.

Less tubes in the 805 is appealing as well since the six pacs are indeed little furnaces! I would entertain the v12 monoblocks but holy smokes they must be unbearably hot to live with anywhere other than an igloo!
You may want to chat with a few people that know this line well, like a John Rutan @ Audio Connection or Kevin Deal @ Upscale Audio. A half-dozen EL34s aren't going to sound like a single 211, but perhaps a bit of tube rolling may give you more of what you seek. Also, you may want to pull out a role of blue painter's tape, a laser pointer, and a measuring tape and experiment with speaker / chair position. It's sometimes amazing what a bit o' geometry (and dealing with reflection points) can do for the soundstage. Otherwise, drop the coin and report your findings. :)