Emission Labs 300B vs Shuguang Black Treasure

Hi All,
I want to upgrade the 300B tubes on my Wavac EC-300B amp. At the moment I am still using the stock tubes which are a pair of standard Shuguang 300B-98. I did try out a Shuguang trasure tube some time back. It made for an over all richer sounding tones and slightly lower noise floor. However I am more intrigued by the emission Labs standard 300B solid plate tubes. They seem to be built better and claim to have lower distortion too. Can some one help me with the sonic signature of the Emission labs 300b vs Shuguang treasure ? I also thought of considering the Sophia Mesh or Carbon tubes but I am a bit skeptical about their reliability.
I have an interest in this topic as well. Have been thinking of Emission labs for my next 300b tube purchase.

I do have Psvane and Sophia Mesh 300b's and they sound different from one another. The Sophia's create a more three dimentional room filling additctive sound stage and the Psvanes have a bit more control over my speakers creating a tighter more controlled low end. I have had no issues with Sophia Mesh. Since they are mesh they need to be biased conservatively around 60 to 65mA's. After experimenting with them at 70mA I found they sound best in my system at 60mA.
Pani I used the Shuguang BT for 2 1/2 years. It's a good tube but I find the EML(XLS) better across the board. It isn't embarrassed by the Takasuki in my amplifier. The Takatsuki is the best sounding 300b tube(sublime) I've ever heard, unfortunately it's also very expensive. I haven't heard the "vintage" type WE but did try the WE reissue version. The Takatsuki and EML were much better sounding in my system. The EML though not inexpensive offers high value for the premium sound quality it provides.
Thanks guys. Takatsuki has been on my radar but I am not in a position to afford it considering I am also looking to invest in some good power cords and conditioners. If EML XLS is a direct replacement for 300B in all/most amplifiers then that looks like a nice mid path at the moment.
Pani, Make sure that your 300b filament transformer can handle the 1.5 amps that the EML 300bXLS draws. That is more more current draw than a standard 300b.
Pani, Make sure the 300b filament transformer in your amp can handle the current demands of the EML XLS. They draw 1.5 amps. The standard 300b draws 1.2amps