Emission Labs 300B vs Shuguang Black Treasure

Hi All,
I want to upgrade the 300B tubes on my Wavac EC-300B amp. At the moment I am still using the stock tubes which are a pair of standard Shuguang 300B-98. I did try out a Shuguang trasure tube some time back. It made for an over all richer sounding tones and slightly lower noise floor. However I am more intrigued by the emission Labs standard 300B solid plate tubes. They seem to be built better and claim to have lower distortion too. Can some one help me with the sonic signature of the Emission labs 300b vs Shuguang treasure ? I also thought of considering the Sophia Mesh or Carbon tubes but I am a bit skeptical about their reliability.
I am also getting a KR Audio 300BXLS (2004 model). Is it a better alternative to EML XLS ?
Like Charles. I am a huge fan of the Takatsukis. However, I have also been very happy with the Sophia Royal Princess that can sometimes be found for sale on this site. Both bested the Shuguang Black Treasures by a lot. I have not heard any of the Emission or Psvane 300b although I am intrigued by the Psvane WE replicas.
The only negative thing I've heard about the KR tube is that certain batches/generations had early tube failure issues. Sonically it's said to be a very good sounding 300b. The EML as far as I know has no reliability issue and are priced a bit less than the KR tubes. In terms of sound quality I suspect that you'd like both.
With respect to KR 300's, I would only buy brand new and from an authorized dealer that offers a warrantee.

KR had reliability issues in the past in which KR stopped offering warrantee replacements, therefore, forcing some tube amp manufacture to look for another high quality 300B tubes for their amps. For the asking price of a pair of new KR 300, why bother when you can get a pair of Emission Labs.
For a while the KR 300b was the tube of top choice for Isael Blume's Coincident Frankenstein SET amp. He loved the sound but he didn't receive factory support for early failing tubes and had to discontinue their use. I know there are people who are using the KR 300b without any problems, the problem has likely been addressed is my assumption. Probably many of the earlier year models are fine, the question is which vintage do you avoid.