Emission Labs 300B vs Shuguang Black Treasure

Hi All,
I want to upgrade the 300B tubes on my Wavac EC-300B amp. At the moment I am still using the stock tubes which are a pair of standard Shuguang 300B-98. I did try out a Shuguang trasure tube some time back. It made for an over all richer sounding tones and slightly lower noise floor. However I am more intrigued by the emission Labs standard 300B solid plate tubes. They seem to be built better and claim to have lower distortion too. Can some one help me with the sonic signature of the Emission labs 300b vs Shuguang treasure ? I also thought of considering the Sophia Mesh or Carbon tubes but I am a bit skeptical about their reliability.
Rlowe ,
I used the Shuguang BT very happily for 2 1/2 years, supposedly the Psvane Black glass is a bit better. I can tell you that with my amp the EML XLS is the better sounding 300b. It's worth the cost IMO, keep in mind that these are high quality long lasting tubes. You'll get your money's worth.
I am happy with both my Psvane and Sophia Mesh 300b but planning to get the EML300bXLS as a Christmas present for myself :) My Stancor 300b trannies are capable of a 3mA draw which is more than enough to handle the demands of the EML tube.
Hi Jetrepro,
You certainly won't have any problem with your transformers . However everything I've read concerning the EML XLS says it's a drop in replacement for any 300b tube. It definitely worked out that way for me.
oops I wrote mA's but actually the EML 300BXLS draw 1.5 amps. My Stancor filament trannies are capable of a 3 amp draw. The standard 300b current draw is 1.2 amps. Anyone who uses the EML 300BXLS needs to make sure their filament transformers can handle 1.5 amps.