MF M1Clic - Adding Velodyne sub

Hi all,

Hope you are well. I am not an audiophile but an audio enthusiast. Would appreciate your guidance on a query below. To date I have assembled a system based on my ears (listening taste) but going forward need help on the technical side. I was considering adding the the Velodyne digital drive plus 10 inch powered sub to my existing audio set up. Please could you help me on how should i set this up. My current set up is as follows -
-Dynaudio Excite x36 (2 passive tower speakers) (,
-Musical Fidelity M1 Clic as preamp and source (
-Musical Fidelity M1 Pwr (powered amp in mono mode for driving speakers - bridged speakers) (
-Atlas and wireworld power cables & accessories

As you can see from the above, i am trying to add a sub to a setup that is predominantly set up for stereo system (2.0). The amplifier and the preamp do not have dedicated line outs for a sub. I need to be creative here and get the best of the system. Please could you answer my queries below.
a) Please note i have chosen the sub based on my room dimensions and reviews, if you think i should add a different model please let me know
b) Is the setup optimal given the music equipment; i.e. do i need to add receiver or speaker splitter box
c) The sub has several inputs/outputs, please could you help me assist on the best way to leverage the sub capabilities
----Should i chain sub and speakers
----I was hoping to use RCA splitters at the M1 clic (preamp)
d) Could i add the Wii connect system to get some flexibility
e) Given my speakers what levels should i set up my crossover and volume
f) Any other consideration that I need to understand

Thanks a lot in advance. Please drop some web links to the items / connectors / splitter boxes that I may need to buy off amazon or your vendor references.
It's impossible to tell simply by reading the specs but your amplifier appears to be underpowered for your speakers. If that is the case then Bob has given you some important advise to consider.

The DD-10 Plus is a very potent sub with far less distortion than its already low distortion predecessor. It has many connectivity setup options which are located in the User Manual.

For an economical pair of long run RCA interconnects and Y connectors Blue Jeans Cable offers decent quality and fast delivery.

The User Interface manual goes into detail on how to use the Manual Room Optimization program which can also be found on the Velodyne website. These adjustments are straight forward. On the other hand you may find that relocating the sub and/or tweaking the adjustments over time can further the integration with your speakers and/or the room.

You should set one of the presets to 180 degree polarity since many recordings are out of phase and you may hear the bass drum tighten up.
While it can certainly be done, the MF is probably less than ideal for the application you seek.

If you can locate an NHT X-2 (no easy trick, since it's been discontinued for a while), it will allow you to implement the arrangement that Bob recommends (and which I also recommend).

However, it looks like all your source material is digital. In this case, I'd always choose to integrate the sub in the digital domain with bass management software like Audyssey (or similar). The room EQ piece of the digital bass management software is included in the Velodyne DD subs, but - unless it's been upgraded in recent years - it's not a very elegant version of this approach. And, as Bob notes, you're locked into a low-cut function for the mains that's often suboptimal.

OTH, Audyssey xt32 is IMHO really, really good. It's commonly found in upper end AVRs and multi-channel pre-pros, but a similar solution (from Cirrus, not Audyssey) is also available from HK in their model 990 integrated. The Cirrus multi-channel chip has gotten mixed reviews, but I thought their 2 channel chip worked well in the HK when I heard it.

Good Luck.
I'm not familiar with your equipment, but on paper it would seem you have what you need for 2ch listening. Speakers go down to 35 Hz. Mono block amps put out 200 watts into 4 ohm's. You should have plenty of bass, unless you listen to organ music or you like the bass artificiality enhanced. What don't you like about what you have?

I use 2 Velodyne DD12's with my monitors. I'd have to respectfully agree to disagree with what was said above. They're not that difficult to integrate. But again, why bother?

Regards, Mark
Post removed 
I get great and plentiful bass from my trusty old REL 10" sub that goes down to 25 hz or so in my medium largish room, proving that indeed you CAN get great bass from a 10 (I use 10's in my pro bass playing rig also). Not sure if all 10s work this well, but plenty of happy REL users like the way these integrate with mains that remain unfettered with filter fettering folderol using the "high level" input on a REL. My only experience with Velodynes was a 15" servo thing many years ago, and that worked well also. I don't think digital bass management nannys are always necessary as all they do is compress and ride the bass level, although I may be a minority in that opinion. just gets too damn fussy...