Focal Maestro Utopia , need advice for AMP/PRE

i bought Maestro Utopia , i should get them next week

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

my setup can drive the new speakers well or i should consider more powerful Amp?
i red review , using Clasee 600 Amp to drive it
they said that this speakers need a lot of power.

i feel that the Pass are slightly "dull"
i'm looking for more dynamic and aggressive

someone can advice?
Pelo911 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

<< You don't want Vitus then. Maybe look for used Soulution710 @20k'ish here.
I'd describe them to be dynamic and lively - whether 'aggressive' or not depends largely on 'what feed them' (choose your flavor using cd/preamp/cabling). One of the most colorless and revealing amp I've owned.
the speakers are 6 month old already broke in
I've been keeping track of progress on my Focal Grande EM since the day they arrived. Weekdays they play from 7:15 AM until 6:30 and several hours with movies on the weekend it's taken seven months to accumulate 1487 hours.

Focal suggest break in is 1500 hours or more. My speakers have continued to improve, mostly at first but important changes to deep bass and driver integration occurred as recently as a few weeks ago.

Unless you keep a written record day by day, it's easy to think you are done.
11-27-13: Pelo911
Seos1: you like the Maestro more the Magico Q5 ?!

Those are absolutely diferent speakers, I heard both extensively, and Seos1 in not the one- Maestro is better speaker. The only real thing what I liked about Q5 was bass quality(better than Maestro), but in midrange and hights ( same records in same room) Maestro is clear winner. With exception on organ works, where tilted up hights was more impressive. For any other music Maestro is better speaker.

Goood luck to thread strater- its not an easy task- I have never heard any other speakers which are so dependable on amplifer. From cheap amplification I liked Mola Mola amplifiers.
Thanks for your response
i'm happy to hear you think the Maestro better then Q5.

it's very hard to match system for the Maestro
specially for me since i'm new to High-End.

i'm trying to find out what other Maestro owner using
so far those are the Amp i found that the owners using: