ARC ref 3,5 OR Lamm LL2.1 for my ml2.1

I have been using the AYRE KXR preamp for my Lamm ML2.1 amp. I recently tried the Lamm LL2.1 tube preamp and wad floored at how much more musical my system sounds now. Pianos sounded like pianos. Voice had the mid range magic. One of those great moments where a 7k box beats a 20k box. Now that i realize synergy and tube preamp - i wanted to test the ARC Ref 3 or 5 - anyone experienced this combo and any ideas about the difference between ARC and Lamm preamps on this system?

My apologies. I came from the "less is more" camp, where passions run high. After having added the L2, I instantly defected to the "more is more" camp, where passions are equally high. Fact is, the addition of the preamp made me change my paradigm.
Hey Saint!

Yes, I know what you mean. I tend to be rather agnostic as to either dogma. I just love what the LL2 does to sound vs my current DAC driving the amp directly.
BUT lately I've grown interested in DRC/DSP/"stereo multichannel". The latter needs explaining. My only source is an optimized audio server; a PC.
I'm thinking about getting an 8-channel DAC, set up digital crossovers inside the software, and drive each speaker driver with a dedicated amp, foregoing the passive XO. This allows for time-alignment of the drivers, and also digital room correction. But a stereo preamp has no place in such a setup.

So the huge question in my mind: would the benefits from time-alignment outdo those from a good preamp and the same amount of money spend on a 2-channel rather than 8-channel DAC? The only way to know is to do it, but that would be a long journey.

Sorry...certainly more than you wanted to know!
11-19-13: Stereo5
Go with the Lamm. They were designed to work with one another.
+ 1.

That would be a long journey. But I must admit, the journey is part of the fun. :)
Thanks! for sharing.

LAMM is on my short-list to demo as soon as I find a dealer/retailer. For those who own this gear, please suggest your local dealer/retailer so that I may get some audition time. Happy Listening!