SET amps ?

Hi all, I have been a budget system builder since the mid 70's.I still have my first system ( Marantz 1060/Pioneer PL 12D ,JBL l36.I stopped in the mid 80"s for kids.I have Adcoms,NADs several Marantz's you know the deal.Anyway I picked up a pair of Tekton 4.1's and have them powered by an NAD 314.The question is , is now the time to try a SET tube amp ? I have been looking at several in the $750.00 to $1500.00 range. I do have a nice small listening room for the 4.1's . The Dared MP 2A3c looks interesting at the price.Any feed back would be helpful.How long do the tubes tend to last ? Thanks...
I can't speak to the Dareds except to say I've read good things about them. But the Tektons would probably be a good match for a 2A3 or 300B amp. What are the specs on those speakers?
I used to have the Lores and they were really nice, also used a 2A3 SET with them.

And a NAD 314! Nice, that was my first "real" piece of gear. A classic.
Grommes makes a nice powerful set/p amp and decware would be a good match also
If I were to buy another SET amp I'd probably first look (again) to Min at Tube Audio Lab in California. Great guy, does great work.

Are you sure you really want an SET amp as your first foray into tubes. They are kind of a special interest. You might want to try an easier tube design to play with like a push pull amp. I may be off base and you really do want a very low power amp that doesn't take kindly to reactive loads or current demands.