Power Supply Options - Pre Amp and Power Amp

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade the power supply for my hi-fi setup and wonder where I should start - quality power outlets, power distributor or power conditioner?

I'm considering a 3 to 4 outlets power strip so that I can plug all the power cord into it (instead of using a low grade, household one). My idea is to ground the cords from CD player, pre-amp and power into the same outlets to avoid "hum" noise.

FYI, my front end is Audio Research CD7 tube CD player, my pre-amp is Ayre K-1xe (comes with separate power supply) and Pass Labs XA30.5.

What's the simplest and lowest-cost solution? Can you recommend some high-quality power outlets (4 to 6 outlets would be great).


The first step should be dedicated lines with upgraded outlets, at least one for analog, and one for digital.
I would plug the Pass and the Ayre directly into the wall. Then just get a line conditioner for the CD player.
I concur with ZD542, especially on the power amp. The fact is that any better quality power amp will already have adequate filtering and such built-in and connecting straight to the wall will allow it to draw as much amperage as needed...

I agree with Tls49, dedicated lines with upgraded outlets should be the first step on your power upgrade list.