Yes do your home work and Google the different sounds tube nuts say that different makes of 6DJ8's can have.
From memory stay away from the European NOS Telefunken and Amprex as they have a more etched sound, the English Mullards and Brimar, and maybe some others they say are darker and more euphonic.
Here is one site that give their oppinion of what different makes of 6DJ8/EC88/CV5358 (all the same) can sound like.
Maybe I was wrong about the Amperex after reading this or it's just the "D Getter" one that sounds sweet with a great midrange.
Cheers George
From memory stay away from the European NOS Telefunken and Amprex as they have a more etched sound, the English Mullards and Brimar, and maybe some others they say are darker and more euphonic.
Here is one site that give their oppinion of what different makes of 6DJ8/EC88/CV5358 (all the same) can sound like.
Maybe I was wrong about the Amperex after reading this or it's just the "D Getter" one that sounds sweet with a great midrange.
Cheers George