Very interesting to read about your trek thru the tube amp wilderness Ebuzz. Would love to hear your impressions as things settle in.
I started a somewhat similar trek 2 weeks ago by getting an upgraded Jolida 502P- I've had it for about 2 weeks now. Breaking in nicely and have been comparing it to my recently repaired Conrad Johnson MF 2300A SS amp. Totally different presentations. The CJ has a lot more power into my Maggie 1.7 but I really don't notice a difference in power so much as a difference in presentation.
The CJ has a darker smoother presentation with more powerful bass (not surprising at about 500 watts into the 4 ohm load of the Maggies vs 60 for the Jolida). The highs and general stage detail are more noticeable from the Jolida and the soundstage is a bit deeper and surprisingly more 3D. Am really amazed how two amps can sound so different and yet I like the presentation from both.
My intention when I bought the Jolida (My first excursion into power amp tubes) was simply to get a starting point of reference with a tube amp at a very reasonable cost and then decide where to go from there. After 2 weeks I'm really liking the Jolida 502P and I'm amazed that it can compete so effectively with a much more expensive amp. Fun times!
Wolf, I put in Vibrapods under my 502 at your suggestion- nice!
I started a somewhat similar trek 2 weeks ago by getting an upgraded Jolida 502P- I've had it for about 2 weeks now. Breaking in nicely and have been comparing it to my recently repaired Conrad Johnson MF 2300A SS amp. Totally different presentations. The CJ has a lot more power into my Maggie 1.7 but I really don't notice a difference in power so much as a difference in presentation.
The CJ has a darker smoother presentation with more powerful bass (not surprising at about 500 watts into the 4 ohm load of the Maggies vs 60 for the Jolida). The highs and general stage detail are more noticeable from the Jolida and the soundstage is a bit deeper and surprisingly more 3D. Am really amazed how two amps can sound so different and yet I like the presentation from both.
My intention when I bought the Jolida (My first excursion into power amp tubes) was simply to get a starting point of reference with a tube amp at a very reasonable cost and then decide where to go from there. After 2 weeks I'm really liking the Jolida 502P and I'm amazed that it can compete so effectively with a much more expensive amp. Fun times!
Wolf, I put in Vibrapods under my 502 at your suggestion- nice!