Tube rolling 12AX7As

I just acquired a McIntosh C2300 preamp that is currently being shipped to me. This is my first venture into tube gear. I see the owners manual states that this preamp uses 12AX7A tubes. Are those tubes interchangeable with 12AX7s? For tube rolling, do I have to make sure I swap out for ONLY 12AX7As?

I ask because from everything I have read and researched, the Mac stock tubes are considered mediocre compared to what is available out there as a substitute. Thanks in advance for the replies.
It takes 6 tubes, 2 each for the preamp stage, the mm phono stage and the mc phono stage. It will take 12ax7's. New old stock Telefunken 12ax7's seem to be popular however when I had mine I enjoyed new old stock Mullards. You do not have to replace all 6 tubes, your phono needs will dictate whether you need to place any good tubes in your phono stages.

Have fun but take your time when removing the cover and the subsequent removal of the tubes. There is a silly and poorly thought out tube "holder" that will require you to remove screws on the left and right of the the tube section so the top tube guide can be removed. Use both hands so you dont drop the screws into the preamp. Dont ask me how I know this can happen.
There are a number of 12ax7 types you could use. Got to He has a nice list of different variations of the 12ax7.
If the C2300 is new and breaking in, my advise is to leave it along for a while. If something goes wrong, one of the first questions you will get from any customer service person is "What tubes are you using and where did you get them? ".

12AX7 tubes are also named ECC83. Search both on the web, tons of information out there. Grinnell's posted link above is a great start. Where or from whom you buy from is huge. Keep in mind, New Old Stock {NOS) is hard to prove. Finding the right dealer, someone you feel you can trust is pretty tough. Also, search the audio forums for good tube dealers.

Good Luck!
I'm liking the Psvane 12AX7T-IIs...a relative bargain tube that really sounds great.
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