Audiolabyrinth --
Hi, no my source (direct to poweramp) is 24-bit as described in reply no. 3 from above. I would gladly convert to a 32-bit source and digital volume control if it really meant providing that extra last "ounce" of insight, clarity, resolution, organic quality or whatever to the sonic presentation (most notably perhaps at lower volumes), and it is only a matter of time when this occurs rather than "if." Until this happens there is much to treasure with a (24-bit sourced) dithered volume control a la JRiver MC19. Several who have listened to my setup have - without in any way being lead by me to this observation - noted very positively the level of clarity, information, and "ingition" at lower levels, though I believe this could be an affect of the use of a compression driver with waveguide as well. Still, had the digital volume control here used been a limiting factor at especially lower levels it remains questionable whether reports of the very opposite had flourished as they did. It is not, as you can deduce from above, that I believe 24-bit sourced dithered digital volume controls to be flawless, but they are, many things being equal, extremely capable. And when a 32-bit source is finally implemented, bit depth and any associated thought of truncation would not be my concern at all.