Mono amps and different length speaker cables

Wondering if there is any noticeable negative effect from using say a 3 meter pair of speaker cables to one set of binding posts on the amp and speaker and using a 2 meter pair of the same brand and model of cable to different binding posts on the amp and speaker. I am using solid state mono amps.
If you believe that cable affects the sound then longer cable should affect it more, but your cable can be so transparent that 50% difference won't be audible. I still would not do it for the reason of resale value that Wolf_garcia mentioned.
I have tried it before & yes there is a audible difference. Whether you hear the difference I can't say.
Agreed with Mustang. You're talking 3 feet for signals traveling close to light speed.

Coaxial goes about 2/3 the speed of light, so that might be a factor :)
Not, as many have said, you can hear the difference but there is the ability to measure the resistance difference in cables, often of the same make, type and length. Whether that translates to 'hearing' difference is debatable as the amps performance can have a more substantial impact. Enjoy the music and stop fussing about the gear.
12-11-13: Simao
Agreed with Mustang. You're talking 3 feet for signals traveling close to light speed.
I agree with Mustang also, as implied in the last line of my earlier post.

However, the fact you cited that signals propagate through wires at near light speed has nothing to do with it. Resistance, inductance, and capacitance, and their potential effects, are all directly proportional to length. Skin effect, dielectric absorption, antenna effects, impedance mismatch effects, effects related to purity of metals, and other such effects that some would argue can be audibly significant are also affected by length.

On another note, I would add to Mustang's comment that EVEN IF there is a difference (which I doubt), as explained in my earlier post there is no reason to necessarily expect that using two 3-meter cables would sound better than using one 3-meter cable and one 2-meter cable. It could just as easily sound worse.

-- Al