Suggestions for New/Used amp under $3500

My System : Von Schweikert Unifield 2 speakers. Preamp outputs from a Denon 3311ci receiver. Room size is small (12x 15 x 8) but opens up into dining and kitchen. Possibility of moving into a larger space so headroom is desirable.

Planning to order a couple of amps and keep the one i like. Ability to drive center channel also would be a nice (but not mandatory). New or used does not matter.

Wondering if i can do better than Channel Islands Audio d200 mk2 monoblock pair.

Based on reviews and recommendations i have considered the following options:
- Emotivas
- Odyssey
- parasound
- butler audio
I currently have an Emo XPA-5 and used to have a Butler TDB-5150 - both are multi-channel amps. The Butler sounded very, very good with a nice, smooth sound and pretty good "grunt".

The Emo that replaced it - I needed money, sigh - is a really good amp. It has lots of drive, great bottom end, and is very punchy. It *is* a bit more sibilant than the Butler, but I'm not sure which one is "correct". The Emo demonstrated noticeable sibilance when I first got it, but it seems to have been tamed quite a bit with extended run-in. For the money, it is a *terrific* amp.

You may find that Emo's XPR series of amps are exactly what you are looking for. Or, perhaps, their XPA-1L which is a Class A design for the 1st 35 watts and then switches to AB. Since they come with a 30 day in-home trial, why not order them and see if they perform up to snuff in your system?

Interesting price range to be looking in. It will also be interesting if you can do better than the CIA amps. I hope you can keep us posted on how things work out. I've always wonder how amps like the Odyssey or Emotiva would sound. I had the VS VR4SR speakers for some time with a set of the Parasound JC-1 amps and it was a very good sounding combo. I would even think you could throw Krell or Pass amps into the mix. Or the Sanders Magtech or how about the Spectron Musician III mk 2? Or Bel Canto Ref 1000 mkII (since you already know class D can sound good with the CIA amps) If I were in your shoes I would try first to get an amp with more power than the CIA just to see how the speakers and room and all respond to something with more power. Usually the more power the better only problem is the cost of more power. If you cold stand the heat I'd try and grab a Pass 250 or 350 or even Krell 400 (might be a touch over budget but they hold their value)
There is a Pass Labs X250.5 that would blow away anything you are considering.